Cycling, hiking and much more

Tours in southern Styira

Southern Styria is the most beautiful setting imaginable for walks, hikes, mountain bikink and relaxing bike tours, ranging from completely leisurely to sporty and ambitious. In addition, the region has an incredibly wide range of circular routes to offer, by bike and on foot, in the most diverse mountain ranges.

You'll also find countless refreshment stops along the routes, which make tours in southern Styria so special and unique. In our tour portal you will find the complete variety and diversity for yourself!

Tip: use our "Südsteiermark Tours" app in your planning (App-Store & Google Play Store). 

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
4539 Results
Graz medium
Route 39,3 km
Duration 5:00 h

Auf den Spuren von Sebastian Kneipp

Graz medium
Route 47,5 km
Duration 5:00 h

Wie im Märchen

Graz medium
Route 47,8 km
Duration 7:00 h

Rein ins Rad- und Wandervergnügen

Graz medium
Route 51,5 km
Duration 7:00 h

Stadtfeeling, Wasserfreuden, Kulturerlebnis und Bergglück

Graz medium
Route 57,8 km
Duration 5:30 h

Ab in den Süden - Mit viel Spaß, Natur und Kultur

Graz easy
Route 32,2 km
Duration 2:30 h

Ab in den Süden - Skulpturenpark

Voitsberg medium
Route 49,4 km
Duration 7:00 h

Die weststeirische Heimat der Lipizzaner entdecken

Altaussee easy Closed
Route 2,1 km
Duration 0:30 h

Blaa Alm - Rettenbach trail

Murau challenging
Route 3,5 km
Duration 0:15 h


Kainbach bei Graz easy
Route 2,3 km
Duration 1:00 h

Filzkunst Wanderweg

Leutschach an der Weinstraße medium
Route 8,8 km
Duration 3:00 h


Teufenbach - Katsch easy
Route 11,7 km
Duration 0:39 h

R55 Katschtal cycle path

Scheifling medium
Route 15,5 km
Duration 0:51 h

R17 Wölzer Radweg

Murau medium
Route 10,1 km
Duration 0:33 h

R63 Ranten cycle path

Route 10,7 km
Duration 0:50 h

R11a Route Mitterdorf

Bruck an der Mur medium Closed
Route 25,5 km
Duration 0:00 h

Hochanger Loop Tour

4539 Results