A hike at the foot of the majestic Grimming with magnificent views over the Enns Valley.
From Espang, we hike up the Stutterner Berg, past a hunting lodge through the beech forest to the Feiglstein (1.240m) and to the snack pit - until we finally reach the heart of the Grimming. We are never alone here and will always meet loyal companions along the way.
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On the Ennstalbundesstraße B320 coming from Radstadt or Liezen to the village of Espang
The starting point of the hike is the village of Espang, where the trail initially leads through the village center, past a few houses. After the right-hand bend, turn left after approx. 50 m onto a forest road 4.6 km up the Stutterner Berg. After the first 400 m, turn right at the hunting lodge and from there a marked hiking trail (trail no. 682) leads further north through a beech forest up to the Feiglstein (1.240 m). After approx. 5 km we reach the junction to the Jausengrube at an altitude of 1.300 meters. Now we find ourselves in the so-called heart of the Grimming, which is enclosed by the impressive south ridge of the Großer Grimming and the south-east face of the Schartenspitze. From here, the marked hiking trail ends and the alpine terrain begins for the ascent to the Grimming Tor, which is only recommended for experienced hikers. (Gravel path, danger of falling rocks, snow conditions). At the foot of the Grimming Tor, the trail leads uphill and downhill along the southern slope of the Grimming. This is followed by a challenging descent to the Grimming hiking trail (no. 681). There it goes downhill to the Grimming Hütte. From here, follow trail no. 20 to Niederstuttern or trail no. 681 downhill to Trautenfels Castle.
From the trainstation Stainach-Irdning you can drive with the bus or from the busstation Irdning.
Exacttly Infomations do you become on this websites:
Free Parking next to the railroad crossing in Espang
Schloss Trautenfels im Abendlicht | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Roland Gutwenger
What the weather will be like
Stainach-Pürgg (665m)
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