Gaberl - Pack - Obdacher Sattel
Probably one of the most popular motorcycle routes leads over the Pack and the Gaberl in the
Murtal Region. The Gaberl tour, which lets us explore the surrounding region, is particularly suitable for a short break. For those who have more time, the tour can be extended to the 4 mountain tour.
From Spielberg you continue to Zeltweg towards Eppenstein. Then the winding route takes us past Obach the Obdacher Sattel (955m) to Carinthia - Bad. St. Leonhard in Lavanttal. We don't drive on the autobahn but continue to Twimberg. Then it goes over the Pack (Packer Sattel 1,169m) - probably one of the most popular routes - back towards Styria. Now we follow the road to Köflach where we have the opportunity to drive past the thermal baths to the birthplace of the Lippizaner horses and to Bärnbach, where the great Hundertwasser church is located. Back to Köflach and Salla, it is winding over the Gaberl (1,551m) back to the Murtal and the Red Bull Ring. Here we can still visit a ring tour after prior registration. It's a look behind the scenes at one of the most modern race tracks in the world.
The tour in numbers
Level of difficulty
Map & downloads
More information
Follow the S36 to the exit Zeltweg Ost / Spielberg, turn towards Red Bull Ring. Follow the signs.
Spielberg, Weißkirchen, Eppenstein, Obdach, Reichenfels, Bad St. Leonhard im Lavanttal, Pack, Edelschrott, Köflach, Salla, Kleinlobming, Spielberg.
For those who find this tour too short, it is a good idea to combine it with the 4 mountain tour - here you can still "take" the "Soboth" and "Weinebene" with you.
In principle, the Red Bull Ring is easily accessible from the Knittelfeld and Judenburg train stations.
There is enough parking space outside the major events.
Gaberl | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Manuela Machner
Gaberl | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Manuela Machner
Burgruine Eppenstein - Murtal - Steiermark | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | Anita Fössl
Burgruine Eppenstein | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Auf dem Weg nach Weißkirchen hat man eine tolle Sicht auf die Weißkirchner Kirche und die Burgruine Eppenstein | © Erlebnisregion Murtal | 50plus Campingpark Fisching
Lipizzaner mit Fohlen | © Lipizzanergestüt PIber | Gabrielle Boiselle
St. Barbara Kirche-Hundertwasser | © Region Graz | Die Abbilderei
Red Bull Ring - Bulle Frühling | © datacycle-spielberg | HQ Superphoto
What the weather will be like
Spielberg (663m)
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