Eppenstein Ruin - Kamper Cross
A hike for the whole family to the Eppenstein castle ruins.
When the days are cloudy and foggy in autumn, it often takes a lot of effort to get outside. However, if you manage to get up and go for a short hike, you'll be even happier afterwards: The movement, the air and the rustling leaves below your feet have a positive effect on body, mind and soul. With this hiking tip in the Murtal region, we present a tour for the whole family that can be shortened as the mood takes you. The destinations are after the castle ruins the Mostschenke Korer and last but not least the Kamperkreuz. The Eppenstein castle ruins, perched on a steep rocky spur above the village of the same name, offer a magnificent view of the Judenburg-Knittelfeld basin and the Seckauer Tauern mountains towering in the background. Hikers interested in history will find numerous information and puzzle boards along the well-secured path through the castle complex, which can also be played as a geocaching adventure lab.
The tour in numbers
Level of difficulty
Map & downloads
More information
Coming from Vienna: S36 Murtal highway - exit Zeltweg West - traffic circle direction Obdach B78 - follow until end of village Eppenstein
Coming from Klagenfurt: A2 Südautobahn - exit Bad St. Leonhard - follow the B78 Obdacher Bundesstraße - until the end of the village Eppenstein
From direction Gaberl: B77 Gaberl federal road - follow until end of village Eppenstein
We start at the "Burgruinen" parking lot in Eppenstein (1), 722 m. The yellow signposts indicate the direction, so we immediately leave the valley floor and go uphill. Along a forest road and further over the Raimundsteig (can also be bypassed) we come to the access road of the castle ruins. After visiting the Eppenstein ruin, we follow the signposts and the red-white-red markings to the Korer Mostschenke. Passing the buildings of the Korer farm, we hike slightly uphill through the forest until, after about 1.4 kilometers, we reach a crossroads and on the left - somewhat hidden - the Kamperkreuz (2), 1108m. The way back is via the ascent route.
Some arguments for late autumn hikes: You consciously leave your comfort zone and learn to deal with wetness, fog and cool temperatures. The next winter is sure to come and so now is the right time to toughen up nice and slow. The paths are often slippery, which makes you walk more concentrated and automatically trains your overall coordination. An essential point, however, is to overcome one's weaker self. So our tip: Don't think about it for long, just get out there.
This tour is NOT considered "accessible by train and bus" because there is no regular connection.
Free parking at the end of the village Eppenstein
Der Weg ist gut markiert | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Wir wandern durch den Hohlweg | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Rastplatz kurz vor der Mostschenke Korer | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Unser Ziel - das Kamperkreuz | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Gemütliches Bankerl mit Ausblick | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Burgruine Eppenstein mit Ausblick ins Murtal | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Beim Aufstieg | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Unterwegs im Murtal | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Die letzten Blüten im Herbst | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Ausblick unterwegs | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Burgruine Eppenstein | © Weges OG | Weges OG
What the weather will be like
Weißkirchen in Steiermark (687m)
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