5 elements track (5-Elemente Weg) - route 3

5 stations with 5 elements that lead through a part of the beautiful Volcano and Thermal Land. This trail is part of the 5 elements trail.
Experience this wonderful landscape and at the same time learn something of the elemental teachings, as they contain the Spiritual Feng Shui among other things. The qualities of these 5 elements can be wonderfully understood in relation to the landscape and the people who live here. Along the circular path No. 3 you will find the following elements: element fire, element metal.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
24,4 km
7:10 h
498 hm
483 hm
452 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Detailed information on how to get there can be found here.
Wörth direction south to the end of the village, to the left, Suppan fish pond, through the district of Baumgarten, at the wayside shrine straight ahead for about 300 m, left ascending through a forest. At a seating area you will see the Lichtenegg Chapel. Right further on the high trail to the "element metal" - the gong at the Brandlegg" - panoramic view as well as beautiful sunrise or sunset to observe. Beautiful view to the Riegersburg, left short piece of country road direction Toter Mann - Lichtenegg, along the high trail left to BSHirschmann, Bastelstube Weiß, sports facility, MondscheinStüberl, village square Wörth, element "fire.
Plan also for your next tours the 5-element trail. This has 3 stages and offers hiking pleasure!
Timetables and travel information can be found directly at: Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Steiermärkische Landesbahnen (STLB), www.busbahnbim.at.

With the BusBahnBim app from Verbundlinie, timetable information has never been easier: all bus, train and streetcar connections in Austria can be queried by entering locations and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.

Free parking available at the starting point
Tourismusverband Thermen- & Vulkanland
Gästeinfo Bad Gleichenberg
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Str. 1/top 4
8344 Bad Gleichenberg
Tel: +43 3382 55 100-44

Vulkanland-Wanderkarte "Mensch & Natur" 1:500.000 Steirisches Vulkanland Tel. +43 (0)3152/8575-710 www.spuren.at

freytag & berndt WK 412 Südoststeirisches Hügelland, Vulkanland, Bad Gleichenberg, Bad Radkersburg  

Kompass Wanderführer "Steirisches Vulkanland - Auf den Spuren der Vulkane" Beschreibungen, Routenkarten und Höhenprofilen

ISBN 978-3-85026-096-1 www.kompass.at


What the weather will be like

Gnas (278m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 31°C

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