Adventkranzsegnung | © Lupi Spuma Adventkranzsegnung | © Lupi Spuma

Sat., 30/11/2024 from 16:45 o'clock


Lebring-St. Margarethen

with Pastor Dr. Peter Brauchart

You can also bring your Advent wreath for the blessing. The Spar- und Bocciaclub AKTIV will provide the musical accompaniment and agape.

Event location

Lebring-St. Margarethen - Kriegerdenkmal Vereinshaus Lebring


Vereinshaus Lebring St. Margarethen
Leibnitzer Straße 13
8403 Lebring - St. Margarethen


Marktgemeinde Lebring St. Margarethen
Grazerstraße 1
8403 Lebring