Weinschank Keen - Fam. Paar - Impression #1 | © Fam. Paar

Weinschank Keen - Fam. Paar

St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

Buschenschank Keen

To make our guests feel at home, we take care of small and big. The little ones can let off steam in the indoor playroom or at the playground of the Buschenschank Keen and afterwards strengthen themselves with our delicious snack. The grown-ups relax in nice weather on the terrace or enjoy the ambience of the lovingly furnished rooms inside. Palate pleasures are provided, with wines from the surrounding area and typical Styrian dishes. Four-legged friends are also welcome here and gladly seen.

Family Paar

To offer guests only the best food, the whole family works together. And enough hardworking helpers are also at our side. They take care of the large garden for their own vegetables, the animals for the excellent meat, and then turn everything into delicious dishes.

Seats inside: 100
Seats outside: 50


Gasthaus Keen
Maria Paar
Wagendorferstraße 51
8423 St. Veit i.d. Südsteiermark

What the weather will be like

St. Veit in der Südsteiermark (262m)

very sunny
15°C 30°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 31°C