Dem Alltag entfliehen, entspannte Tage inmitten der stillen Natur genießen und nicht zuletzt ausgezeichnete Weine verkosten – all das bietet Ihnen das Weingut Perner im Herzen des Südsteirischen Weinlandes. Nur 10 Minuten von der Autobahn entfernt, an Ehrenhausen – dem Tor zur Weinstraße – vorbei, empfängt Sie Familie Perner mit herzlicher Gastfreundschaft und herrlichen Tropfen aus der eigenen Kelterei.
Escape your day to day life, enjoy relaxing days surrounded by calm nature and - of course - excellent wine. You can find all these things at Weingut Perner. Only 10 minutes from the highway, next to Ehrenhausen - the gate to the southstyrian wine trail - Family Perner will welcome you at their home with a good wine from the own winery.
Family-owned for several generations, the farm has evolved over time from a mixed farm to a family-run wine-growing business. After Isabella and Toni took over the business, the farm underwent major renovations. The old farm building had to go and a completely new winery was created. Now there is the press house and a new, modern tank wine cellar, a barrel wine cellar as well as all an associated storage and work rooms and a small guest house with four beautiful rooms furnished with great attention to detail.
Please register by telephone:Wine sales: Anton Perner | Mobile: +43 664 5115631 Guest room: Isabella Perner | Mobile: +43 650 2601732