Weinbau Patrick Niggas - Impression #1 | © Weinbau Niggas

Weinbau Patrick Niggas

St. Stefan ob Stainz

With an impressive view of the Reinischkogel area, Stainz Castle and the Slovenian border, the vineyards of the Patrick Niggas winery blend harmoniously into the landscape of pretty western Styria. The communicative young winemaker can look back with pride on the results of his many years of development work. While his grandparents' vineyards had previously only been used for selling grapes, he found the ideal time to produce his first wines with his acquired knowledge and the support of the whole family when they were renovated in 2007. The labels with the creatively interlinked initials point to clarity and dynamism. The winery has already won several national and international awards, including Styrian State Winner, Young Winemaker Winner and AWC Winner.

The philosophy:
Produce unique wines of the highest quality.

The young winemaker shows in the wines: young, fresh, fruity, dynamic.
And always moving with the times, not standing still.

The assortment:
SchilcherFrizzante (Secco Rosé)
Pinot Blanc
Sauvignon Blanc
Rhine Riesling

Seats inside: 10
Seats outside: 10


Patrick Niggas
Hochgrail 71
8511 St. Stefan/Stainz
Moile (0043) 664 14 06 782

What the weather will be like

St. Stefan ob Stainz (401m)

very sunny
15°C 29°C
17°C 30°C
17°C 29°C