Weinbau List - Impression #1 | © Weingut List

Weinbau List

St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

"Tradition does not mean quality in advance".

But it is a profound foundation on which quality matures and develops.

"Tradition does not mean quality in advance". But it is a profound foundation on which quality matures and develops. From generation to generation the craft has been passed down, refined and perfected. Starting with a manageable vineyard in the 18th century, we have developed our vineyard into a highly esteemed viticulture.

Now in the 7th generation, Matthias List is the one through whose handwriting the findings are rounded off. With his impressions and experiences gained in viticultural school and during his travels around the world. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Weinbau List
Siebing 17
8481 Weinburg am Saßbach
Moile (0043) 650 5349606

What the weather will be like

St. Veit in der Südsteiermark (262m)

very sunny
15°C 30°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 31°C