UrKräutergarten & UrKräuterweg am Serschenhof Tertinjek - Impression #1 | © Bettina & Gregor Tertinjek | Serschenhof Tertinjek

UrKräutergarten & UrKräuterweg am Serschenhof Tertinjek

Leutschach an der Weinstraße

In May 2015, a suitable plot of around 1000 m² on a slope was generously terraced and "transformed" into a herb garden. Around 150 different plants (cultivated herbs in symbiosis with many wild herbs, as well as shrubs and small trees) have now found a place in it and there are also one or two rarities among them.

The herbs from the garden are lovingly harvested by hand and processed into herbal specialties such as herbal salt, tinctures, teas etc.. These are available in our farm store (please note opening hours!). You can also find a small selection of them in our JausnBox (daily, self-service) at the herb garden.

NOTE: The UrKräutergarten is a private garden and is only open during our courses and guided tours (see www.serschenhof.at ).

Tip: A hike along the UrKräuterweg

The Urkräuterweg runs directly along the state border, from the Oberguess vineyard to the Serschenhof. Around 100 different herbs grow along the leisurely hiking trail through woods and meadows, which can still be found in their original form on Remschnigg, the mountain on the border with Slovenia. On the boards along the trail, you will find lots of valuable information about some of these wild herbs. Go on a "journey of discovery" and take the opportunity to come to rest and ground yourself by engaging with your "plant allies" - a blessing for body and soul.


Serschenhof Tertinjek
Bettina & Gregor Tertinjek
Remschnigg 57
8463 Leutschach an der Weinstraße
Moile (0043) 664 2341919

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What the weather will be like

Leutschach an der Weinstraße (351m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C