Universalmuseum Joanneum - Jagdmuseum Schloss Stainz - Impression #1 | © UMJ, M. Wimmler

Universalmuseum Joanneum - Jagdmuseum Schloss Stainz


For millennia hunting has been part of human life. The Hunting Museum in Stainz Castle has been showing hunting culture in all its facets since September 2006, and in addition to a detailed cultural and historical overview, also deals with the interplay of man and nature. In an innovative, unique presentation for Austria, our visitors will learn everything worth knowing about a great fascination of humanity.

The Jagdmuseum Schloss Stainz understands the hunt as a historical, sociological and philosophical-ethical phenomenon and appeals to a broad audience through an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural approach. Our visitors encounter u.a. the "romantic hunter" and "wild rebel", but also historical weapons, Thomas Bernhard's "hunting party" or miracle drugs from folk medicine. Finally, on the second floor, the tour continues as an exciting stalk, on which you can watch for animal tracks and listen to animal sounds. In addition, there are also interesting facts about wild ecological issues of our time and to learn the tasks of modern hunting. The Hunting Museum Schloss Stainz: Innovative presentation in historic walls The innovative presentation of the hunting museum not only blends in perfectly with the historic ambience of Stainz Castle, it also refers to the long tradition of hunting in Styria, in particular to the founder of Joanneum, Archduke Johann, who was known as a passionate hunter and his heirs Castle Stainz as a contemporary operation lead. The Hunting Museum Schloss Stainz would like to present the permanent exhibition collection as well as a center of excellence for hunting: In addition to future temporary presentations on this subject, interested visitors and interested visitors will also find a study collection, training and seminar offers, a specialized library and contemporary information media. Built in 1695 and acquired in 1840 by Archduke Johann Stainz castle, a 1,200m² exhibition area for the hunting museum was created in several phases, new depots were built, the cash and shop area redesigned and the administrative area revitalized. Dieter Bogner of bogner.cc, Gunther Greßmann (GWL), Armin Deutz (GWL, Member of the Steirische Landesjägerschaft Board of Directors) and Karlheinz Wirnsberger, Head of the Jagdkundliche Sammlung at the Universalmuseum Joanneum, are responsible for the content concept. Architect Georg Driendl from Vienna designed the reorganization of the hunting history collection in Schloss Stainz.


Universalmuseum Joanneum - Museen in Schloss Stainz
Schlossplatz 1
8510 Stainz

What the weather will be like

Stainz (339m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
17°C 31°C
17°C 30°C