Universalmuseum Joanneum - Erzherzog Johann Museum Schloss Stainz - Impression #1 | © Lupi Spuma

Universalmuseum Joanneum - Erzherzog Johann Museum Schloss Stainz


The museum with many original objects is entirely dedicated to the eventful life of Archduke Johann.

A unique cultural competence center for Styria with regard to the achievements of Archduke Johann and the resulting impact on Styria.

The Hunting Museum, Agricultural Museum and Archduke Johann Museum at Stainz Castle form a single unit for the themes that were all shaped by this man.

In 7 rooms with an exhibition area of approx. 650 m² (excl. circulation areas) on the 2nd floor of Stainz Castle, the Archduke Johann Museum uses many original objects to present the ideas, models, institutions and also difficulties in the life of Archduke Johann. This gives the myth surrounding this personality a new perspective on life in the 19th century.

Visitors experience an exciting tour through a cultural history of Styria, with previously unpublished original documents, paintings and watercolors as well as digital copies and the latest electronic mediation methods.


Universalmuseum Joanneum - Museen in Schloss Stainz
Schlossplatz 1
8510 Stainz

What the weather will be like

Stainz (339m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
17°C 31°C
17°C 30°C