Universalmuseum JOANNEUM - Römermuseum FLAVIA SOLVA - Impression #1 | © Universalmuseum um Joanneum N. Lackner

Universalmuseum JOANNEUM - Römermuseum FLAVIA SOLVA


A bridge to the past! The Roman Museum Flavia Solva in the area of the market town of Wagna is the only Roman town in Styria and the most important Roman site in the country.

The settlement was established near a Celtic tribal suburb - the main settlement of these Celts, whose names are unknown to us, was probably located on Frauenberg near Leibnitz - and was granted city rights around 70 AD under Emperor Vespasian. The local Celtic population was very open to new influences from Rome and quickly adopted Roman civilization and culture.

This is proven not only by the extensive archaeological finds, but also by the numerous inscriptions and reliefs that are frequently found in the area around the ancient city, which show Flavia Solva to be one of the most cultivated cities in the Roman province of Noricum.

The building, erected over the Roman foundation walls, shows the urban history of Flavia Solva in a display case that can be turned around from the outside. This presentation is complemented by an extensive open-air area where the expanses of the ancient city are illustrated. From spring to autumn, delicacies from the Koppitz confectionery sweeten your visit.

Tip: Flavia Solva is located directly on stage 8 of the Weinland Steiermark bike tour and the wine route tour!


Universalmuseum JOANNEUM - Römermuseum FLAVIA SOLVA
Marburgerstraße 111
8430 Wagna

What the weather will be like

Wagna (268m)

very sunny
15°C 30°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 31°C