Traktorgaudi Steiermark - Impression #1

Traktorgaudi Steiermark


Drive into the country with the tractor audi… The most beautiful programs for your trips.

On a tour with our "Bet that...?" tractors you will experience different landscapes and many stories about Styria .....

a region with many cultural and culinary charms that wants to be discovered on an adventure tour: get to know the country and its people, away from big roads and the hustle and bustle of big cities. We show you the Green Heart of Austria from the panorama car, wonderful areas and stories are waiting for you!

Our tours are ideal for (bus) groups, clubs and company outings, also for a fun birthday party or a wedding or bachelor party you can spend many pleasant hours. The Traktorgaudi is the perfect change from car and bus, ideal for young and old, and in any weather!

We look forward to welcoming and guiding you at the Traktorgaudi Styria!


Traktorgaudi Steiermark GmbH
Grazer Straße 170
8430 Leibnitz

What the weather will be like

Deutschlandsberg (370m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 29°C