Schloss Limberg - Impression #1 | © TV Südsteiermmark

Schloss Limberg


A wonderful destination, surrounded by forests and beautiful scenery!

Castle Limberg was first mentioned in a document in 1244 as a castle with the name "Lindenperch", also a settlement of the area in the first millennium is probable. An important task of the complex at the foot of the Koralpe was to secure the passage to Carinthia. Until the 18th century, the castle changed hands several times, after which it increasingly deteriorated into a semi-ruin. Later the Ortenhofen family took over the property and renovated the building. Johann Ortenhofen sold the castle to the Prince of Liechtenstein in 1830, and then the Styrian Youth Welfare Organization took over the building and used it as a vacation home. In 1938, the interior was modernized and has since served as a scout and recreation home. In 1960 the last exterior renovation took place and in 1977 the castle was listed as a historical monument. The entire castle complex is well preserved by the renovation and is located on a small hill from where you have a fantastic view over southwestern Styria. The way to the castle leads through beautiful forests, where in autumn many beautiful chestnuts ripen. You can reach the castle directly from the B76, about 1 km after the Schwanberg exit towards Eibiswald on the right side.

Health and security measures

  • Disinfection of often touched items and surfaces
  • Staff follows all security rules of the local authorities
  • Distance rules are kept


Schloss Limberg
Limberg 1
8551 Limberg bei Wies

What the weather will be like

Wies (335m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C