Ölmühle Kaufmann - Kürbis im Kopf - Impression #1 | © RM SW GmbH | webquartier.at

Ölmühle Kaufmann - Kürbis im Kopf

St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

We, the family Kaufmann-Feldbacher have literally only pumpkin in mind. In addition to our contract threshing business for corn and grain, we have made it our goal to make "wos Gscheits" from the Styrian oil pumpkin. Our heart, the oil mill, is located directly on our farm, in St. Veit in southern Styria.

From cultivation to the ready-for-sale kernel oil, everything is done by our own hands. Years of experience and a great deal of care result in the high quality of our products. The success proves us right, because our passion is reflected in numerous awards. 

Cultivation, harvesting and drying as well as storage and pressing of pumpkin seeds we also offer as a service.

Because the pumpkin is so "good" for us, our homemade products naturally also revolve around the pumpkin. In addition to our award-winning Styrian pumpkin seed oil g.g.A. you will find on our shelves rusks, fruit spreads, nibbles in a variety of flavors, a pumpkin vinegar and a pumpkin flour and also pumpkin salt. Our creativity knows no bounds, which is why our assortment is constantly growing.

One thing is fixed with us in any case: "Without pumpkin nothing goes".

We would be happy to welcome you to a tasting on site and show you "how it's done".

Until then: Keep it crunchy!


Ölmühle Kaufmann - Kürbis im Kopf
Gerhard Kaufmann
Wagendorferstraße 86
8423 St. Veit in der Südsteiermark

What the weather will be like

St. Veit in der Südsteiermark (262m)

very sunny
15°C 30°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 31°C