Lämmerhof Malli vlg. Thomalippi - Impression #1 | © Lämmerhof Malli

Lämmerhof Malli vlg. Thomalippi

Bad Schwanberg

Fresh products of lamb from the Malli family.

Lämmerhof offers fresh lamb meat by appointment. However, meat frozen, sheep sausages, raw sheep ham, lambskin medizina and raw wool for fertilization can be purchased from the farm at any time. It is also offered pumpkin seed oil g. g. A. (gladly also as a gift packed in different containers) Fresh bread and pastries are available by advance order. Apple juice from meadow orchard various juices (elderberry, herbs, berries) free range eggs.


Lämmerhof Malli vlg. Thomalippi
Gerald Malli
Trag 13
8541 Bad Schwanberg
Moile +43 650 73 27 389

What the weather will be like

Schwanberg (418m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 29°C