Kur- und Kneipp-Park Bad Schwanberg - Impression #1 | © TV Sulmtal Koralm

Kur- und Kneipp-Park Bad Schwanberg

Bad Schwanberg

Der Kneipp-Gesundheits-Park in Bad Schwanberg lädt zum Aktivieren der Sinne ein! Von Kopf bis Fuß

Idyllically, between the vicarage and Weiherbach, is the small but fine Kneipp park. In the summer of 2012, it was designed and built by the members themselves under the then chairman Hermann Polak and inaugurated on 21 October. Around a herbal snail there is a circular path with different types of soil to stimulate the soles of the feet, a balance beam and on the banks of the stream a water basin for Kneipp treatments.

What the weather will be like

Schwanberg (418m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 29°C