Kreuzkogelwarte - Impression #1 | © Stephan Friesinger



The Kreuzkogelwarte on the Kogelberg in Kaindorf near Leibnitz, offers a beautiful view. The panoramic view extends over Schöckl and Wildoner Berg in the north, Gleichenberger and Stradner Kogel in the east, Windische Bühel and Pohorje in the south and Koralpe and Gleinalpe in the west and northwest.

Right at the restaurant Kogel 3 begins the easy, short walk to the Kreuzkogelwarte at 498 meters above sea level. A masonry Gloriette, already built between 1847 and 1849 and inaugurated in 1850, was renovated and raised by two meters in the 1950s, destroyed by a lightning strike in 1963 and rebuilt. In 1988/89 a wooden tower was added to the structure. 43 steps lead indoors to the platform at a height of 9 meters, the total height of the structure is 13.3 meters.

At the back, a hiking trail leads downhill through the forest and past the Silberberg lookout to the Silberberg wine school.


Tourismusbüro Leibnitz
Sparkassenplatz 4a
8430 Leibnitz

What the weather will be like

Leibnitz (273m)

very sunny
15°C 30°C
17°C 31°C
17°C 30°C