Hengist Museum Wildon - Impression #1 | © Hengist Museum

Hengist Museum Wildon


The Wildon Schlossberg is considered the cradle of Styria and has over 6500 years of settlement continuity. It is one of the most important archaeological sites in the southeastern alpine region.

As the first stage in the expansion of a comprehensive museum on the history of the municipality of Wildon, the archaeological showroom provides insight into the significance of Wildon in the course of prehistory, Roman times and the Middle Ages and offers visitors of all ages interested in archaeology an excellent overview of the development of Central Styria from the appearance of the first settled farmers in the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages. Easily understandable written texts and selected exhibits tell of the long history of the Hengist region.


Hengist Museum Wildon
Hauptplatz 55
8410 Wildon

What the weather will be like

Wildon (316m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
17°C 31°C
17°C 30°C