Grenztisch - Miza na meji - Impression #1 | © TV Die Südsteirische Weinstraße/Symbol

Grenztisch - Miza na meji

Leutschach an der Weinstraße

The border table was presented to the public on June 16, 2013. It is located directly on the state border between Austria and Slovenia.

The project created a table - without any hierarchy - that bridges the border! The table and the seating are arranged absolutely symmetrically along the border line and are intended to be a meeting point for cultural exchange. The border, as a formerly separating element, should at the same time be made visible and tangible as a connection between states / cultures / people. The motif that borders can not only divide, but also connect, is politically, artistically and humanly appealing.


Grenztisch - Miza na meji
Glanz 31
8463 Leutschach an der Weinstraße

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What the weather will be like

Leutschach an der Weinstraße (351m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 31°C
17°C 30°C