Gemüsehof Predl - Impression #1 | © RM SW GmbH |

Gemüsehof Predl

Allerheiligen bei Wildon

Our farm vulgo Brandbauer is located in the small region Stiefingtal and was first mentioned in a document in 1680. The Predl family decided about 35 years ago to convert the farm with the focus on livestock to vegetable production. Since then, the product range has constantly expanded and today includes up to 50 different types of vegetables. These are offered not only in the farm store, but also at farmers' markets in the region and at the wholesale market in Graz.

The climate and the southern exposure of the farmland ensure good growth in spring and allow harvests until late autumn. Through the use of farm manure from our chickens and the cultivation of soil-improving catch crops, we try to work in harmony with nature as much as possible.

In order to live up to our claim to offer consumers products of the best quality, we harvest and prepare our vegetables fresh for you every day. The Predl family and their team deliver their goods daily to resellers, private customers and to the gastronomy, so that the intermediate stage of wholesale and thus additional storage times are eliminated.


Predl Gemüse
Friedrich Predl
Siebing 2
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon
Moile +43 664 2813697

What the weather will be like

Allerheiligen bei Wildon (403m)

very sunny
14°C 29°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 29°C