Galerie Marenzi - Impression #1 | © TV Südsteiermark

Galerie Marenzi


For twenty years now, the Marenzi Gallery has been consistently taking up edgy and sometimes uncomfortable uncomfortable contemporary themes and thus acts as a seismograph for current trends, sometimes thinking a nose ahead and always with high quality.

The gallery will focus on the photographic works of the artists, artists in whose works photography and the new media play an essential role, but whose artistic in whose works photography and new media play an essential role, but whose artistic content is also visible in the form of in the form of drawings, paintings or installations.

The promotion of younger artists in these twenty years, beginning with artists who were not yet as present at the time artists such as Erwin Wurm, Matta Wagtest, Maria Hahnenkamp or Michael Schuster, and especially in recent years and especially in the last years the promotion and the presentation of young regional artists such as Alfons Pressnitz, Nicole Prutsch, Nicole Wogg, Ernst Koslitsch, David Reumüller, Ela Sattler or Stefanie Holler. Stefanie Holler, as well as the presentation of great established contemporary artists like Hans Kupelwieser, Hans Weigand, Peter Dressler, Tone Fink, Werner Reiterer, Alfons Schilling, Alois Mosbacher, Michael Kienzer, Bodo Hell or international greats such as Linda McCartney, Leni Riefenstahl or Klaus Voormann were and are close to our hearts.

The unifying element is again and again photography, its its unexpected use and the transformed result in the artists' works. The idea to follow this path has been apparent from the beginning and will be continued in the coming years. continued. We see the possibilities for development in the inclusion of our neighboring countries, whereby relations with Slovenia and Italy, given. Exhibitions with artists from these countries have already begun and are being prepared.


Galerie Marenzi
Klaus-Dieter Hartl
Bahnhofstraße 14
8430 Leibnitz
Moile +43 664 1739219

What the weather will be like

Leibnitz (273m)

very sunny
15°C 30°C
17°C 31°C
17°C 30°C