Easy hike to the Graualm in the Hochschwab area with wonderful views of the surrounding mountains.
Hike from Brandhof near Mariazell to the Graualm and back the same way.
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Coming from Mariazell drive along the B20 via Gußwerk until shortly after Gollrad.
Coming from the south take the B20 until shortly after the Seebergsattel.
We start our hike at the Brandhof in Gollrad and follow the trail number 853. Here we hike on forest roads (shortcuts through the forest possible) and forest paths to the alpine pasture of the Leitenalm and further to the managed alpine hut on the Graualm.
Return the same way.
Along the way: Brandhof Castle
Brandhof Castle was built between 1822 and 1828 by Archduke Johann. In the built-in chapel he was married in 1829 with the k.k. Postmaster's daughter Anna Plochl.
Refreshment stop on the Graualm - open from about the beginning of June to mid-September,
Parking possibility coming from Mariazell on the left side of the road, opposite the entrance to Brandhof.
Do not park directly at Brandhof Castle (private property)!
Der Brandhof - am Ausgangspunkt der Tour | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
wanderung auf die graualm_img_57716763 | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
wanderung auf die graualm_img_57716772 | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
wanderung auf die graualm_img_57716826 | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Wegweiser | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Almhütte auf der Graualm | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Blumen entlang der Wanderung | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
Blumen am Weg | © TV Hochsteiermark | Brigitte Digruber
What the weather will be like
Mariazell (860m)
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