Stone pine shop - Pflanzenhof Frewein - Impression #1 | © Zirbenshop-Pflanzenhof Frewein

Stone pine shop - Pflanzenhof Frewein


Experience the Swiss Pine with all your senses....welcome to the Swiss Pine Shop!

In the Swiss stone pine shop of the Frewein family you have the opportunity to get to know a very special tree, the Swiss stone pine (Arve, lat.pinus cembra), in all its facets. The stone pine grows under difficult conditions at high altitudes and is thus a symbol of resilience and wild beauty! Find out more about the Swiss stone pine as a living creature and various studies on this remarkable tree under "Interesting facts about the Swiss stone pine"!

The region where the Swiss stone pine is at home is the Styrian Pine Country, in the area of Obdach, Judenburg and Weißkirchen. This is in Styria in the heart of Austria.

There are now many people here who are concerned with the positive properties of the Swiss stone pine. The team of Pflanzenhof Frewein, has tried in the last few years to deepen the knowledge around the Swiss stone pine in order to increase the quality of the Swiss stone pine products and to surprise with always new things on the subject of Zirbe! You will be surprised how diverse the product selection on the topic of "Zirbe" is.


Zirbenshop - Pflanzenhof Frewein
Gerhard Frewein
Eligiusweg 3
8741 Weißkirchen

What the weather will be like

Weißkirchen in Steiermark (687m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 30°C
15°C 28°C