Snowshoe walking Snowshoe hiking tour Bärenfeichtenalm - Touren-Impression #1 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein Snowshoe walking Snowshoe hiking tour Bärenfeichtenalm - Touren-Impression #1 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein

Snowshoe hiking tour Bärenfeichtenalm

At eye level with the Styrian mountain world! Dachstein, Grimming and Wölzer Tauern are in your field of vision on this winter hike.
This wonderful Wörschachwalder panoramic tour through winter forest and snow-white alpine meadows demands a lot of endurance and presents you with unique views. With every meter of altitude there is more to see and be amazed.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
8,5 km
3:30 h
430 hm
430 hm
1470 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

On the Ennstalbundesstraße (B320) in Trautenfels turn off in the direction of Ausseerland. Continue on the Salzkammergutstraße (B145) to the Wörschachwald exit and continue along the road to the Spechtensee.
From the Spechtenseehütte you take the summer path up to the Stoiringalm. Then you stomp along a forest road eastwards to the Bärenfeichtenalm. A forest road will take you back down to the starting point.
Who does not know it - the Cilli from the Bärenfeichtenalm. You can read about her almost 100 years of history on the blog of Berg & Tal and watch her in the video.
Free parking at the Spechtenseehütte
Tourism information:

Tourism blog:

Tourist Office Schladming-Dachstein

Ramsauerstrasse 756

8970 Schladming

T: +43 3687 23310

Garbage on meadows and paths can not smell mountain and valley. Please take it with you. Agriculture and forestry are important partners for Berg und Tal. They allow you to walk and drive on many of their paths. Be aware that only good cooperation will guarantee your recreational enjoyment in the future.

Sport ScherzAt Riesneralm, Planneralm and in Wörschach+43 (0)3682 22383sport-scherz.atSport SchöttlAt Planneralm and in Irdning+43 (0)3682 22952

GRIMMING-DONNERSBACHTAL Hike & Bike Map (1:31.000). Available free of charge at the tourist offices of Berg & Tal.


KOMPASS Map 68, Ausseerland-Ennstal 1:50.000, Hiking, Biking, Ski tours


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