From the Riedlerschranken along the forstway to the Riedleralm.
ALWAYS WITH THE CALM. Deeply relaxed, you stroll along the forest path to the Riedleralm. Only the murmur of the torrent and the chirping of the birds accompany you. More of this idyll? Then continue with you to the Beireutalm.
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From the Ennstalbundesstraße (B320) turn off at the Trautenfels junction in the direction of Irdning, Donnersbach, Donnersbachwald. Through the village of Donnersbach and another 12 km to Donnersbachwald. Past the Riesneralm and about 3.5 km to Hinterwald to the barrier Riedleralm.
From the Hinterwald parking lot and past the Riedler barrier, you stroll leisurely along the forest path to the Riedleralm. Only the murmur of the torrent that ripples along the way and the chirping of the birds accompany you. Even on hot days this small, fine tour is inviting. You will always find a shady spot. If the hike is too short for you, then just march on to the Beireutalm (45 min from Riedleralm). Take the same path back again.
Perfect Hike-Tour for hot summerdays, because there give enough shade places.
No public transport to the start point.
Eine kurze Abkühlung | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Barbara Luidold
Weg zur Beireut - und Glattalm | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Barbara Luidold
Beireutalm | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Barbara Luidold
What the weather will be like
Irdning-Donnersbachtal (665m)
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