From Johnsbach to Mödlingerhütte to the Heroes Cross
the tour to the Johnsbacher Heldenkreuz is a family-friendly hike that combines fascinating views and romantic routes
The Mödlinger Hütte at 1,523 m above sea level is a popular destination for hikers and mountaineers. The Admonter Reichenstein is the most difficult hiking tour in the Gesäuse, but those who prefer a more leisurely pace will also find some worthwhile destinations on the high plateau, such as the Treffnersee lake and the Heldenkreuz. This was erected in honour of the fallen members of the Mödling section of the Austrian Alps Association.
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Gesäusebundesstraße B 146 until junction Johnsbach, 5 km country road until Johnsbach
At the GH Donnerwirt in Johnsbach we start the tour on a trail, we cross the stream and soon meet the Rotleitenweg. Further up at 1.000 m above sea level we meet the former Huberalm. We should definitely take advantage of the panoramic bench, it offers a wonderful view of the Johnsbach valley and reminds us that we should have a drink before we start our sweaty ascent. Soon we meet a forest road that takes us to the Mödlinger Hütte.
From the Mödlinger Hütte the path leads through sparse high forest to the Treffner See. Continuing slightly uphill you reach Latschengürtel. After passing the Latschengürtel you reach a beautiful high plateau directly at the foot of the mighty Admonter Reichenstein. At the northern end of this plateau you will find the Heroes Cross.
At the Mödlinger Hütte you must try the delicious pastries and the down-to-earth cuisine of the landlady!
5 minutes walk from the parking lot at GH Donner is the Johnsbacher Bergsteigerfriedhof. 200 years ago, the first person to die in the Gesaeuse mountains was buried here. Numerous historical gravestones tell the tragic story of many young climbers who died in the Gesaeuse mountains.
Rufbuslinie 917 Admont-Johnsbach
Large parking lot right next to the GH Donnerwirt
Hütten im Gesäuse | Mödlinger Hütte | © Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Infotafel am Startpunkt-Parkplatz | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
durch den Wald | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Beschilderung | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Steig zur Hütte | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
die Mödlingerhütte | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Blick auf den Reichenstein | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
Mödlingerhütte | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
steile Stufen kurz vor dem Ziel | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
am Ziel das Heldenkreutz | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
von johnsbach zur mödlingerhütte zum heldenkreuz_img_48017572 | © TV Gesäuse | Tourismusverband Gesäuse
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Admont (635m)
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