To a Hut Village in the Tuchmoar Alm
Short hike to the beautiful hut village in Tuchmoar.
The real attraction of this not-too-far hike is the hill-country lifestyle led at theTuchmoaralm, where traditional alpine huts are still staffed, and milk is turned into butter and cheese. The forest path is new and wide, leading us initially along forested hillsides and up the mountain. Only in the last third do we hike on an old cart path through the forest, coming to the first areas of alpine pastures, dotted with mountain huts. Some years ago, I experienced a memorable Almabtrieb celebration here, when, in the early morning, the beautifully decked-out cows were almost impossible to restrain. Once things get underway, they can barely wait to return home to their barns in the valley! During the summertime, the sound of cowbells fills the pastures, the cows are milked early morning and late afternoon, the power of the stream helps turn the cream into butter, which is then pressed into decorative moulds, Bread spread with fresh butter and Styrian cheese is a true treat! You should also definitely try the rye doughnuts with Styrian cheese, which are the No. 1 specialty of the Sölktäler and Ennstaler Almen!
What the weather will be like
Sölk (668m)