Natural tobogganing in Mitterberg
The 1 km long, from 18.00h to 22.00h lighted natural toboggan run in Mitterberg invites you both during the day and at night to an amusing toboggan ride.
The 1 km long, from 18.00h to 22.00h lighted natural toboggan run in Mitterberg invites you both during the day and at night to an amusing toboggan ride. It depends on the weather and the snow situation, if the run toboggan run is opened.The ride takes you down through the forest and then you go back to the starting point by foot.Meeting place: Café HelgaFor more information call: +43 (0)3685/22319
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lighted from 18.00h to 22.00h
What the weather will be like
Mitterberg-Sankt Martin (767m)
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