This is an easy hike, which is especially suitable for childre. It leads from the Back of the Pöllau to the Hölzlerhütte.
Along the stream, the flat path leads into the Eselsberg. There are some opportunities along the way to briefly stray into the forest and discover nature. The hike through the picturesque scenery is sure to be a lot of fun and enjoyment for young and old!
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Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Here turn right in the direction of Murau. In Niederwölz turn right again and drive to Oberwölz. After Oberwölz turn left to Pöllau am Greim. The Berghof is on the right side.
Coming from Tamsweg drive via Ranten to Schöder and further to St. Peter am Kammersberg. Here turn left to Pöllau am Greim. The Berghof is located on the rigth side.
From the starting point, Berghof Prieler - Hintere Pöllau (S4), follow the signs to the right in the direction of Eselsberggraben, along the forest path to the Funklhütte (hut hike, starting point "Almerlebnis Wanderung").
From there you walk about 1km, the same route back, then straigh back to the starting point.
Pack swimmwear, so you can splash around a bit in the shallow creek section!
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ÖBB | Verbundlinie Steiermark
Eselsberger Alm | © Tourismusverband Murau | CM Visuals
Eselsberger Almerlebnisweg | © Tourismusverband Murau | CM Visuals
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St. Peter am Kammersberg (853m)
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