Lärchenpavillon (by Alpine Genusswelten) - Impression #1

Lärchenpavillon (by Alpine Genusswelten)

Haus im Ennstal-Aich-Gössenberg

Pizza-Paradise & Ski Hut at Hauser Kaibling

Located directly at the slope "die Schönste (the most beautiful)", the AlmSkihütte "Lärchenpavillon" spoils you with the best cuisine and friendly service. The Lächenpavillon convinces with homemade pizzas at 1,800 m above sea level and in good weather, the smell of freshly grilled sausages, cheese crackers and chops draws you directly to the spacious sun terrace.

Definitely the dot on the i: the exceptionally beautiful view of the Dachstein massif! ;-)




8967 Haus im Ennstal