Hiking route Lynx Trail - Stage  03 Laussabaueralm-Admont - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse Hiking route Lynx Trail - Stage  03 Laussabaueralm-Admont - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse

Lynx Trail - Stage 03 Laussabaueralm-Admont

Back to Civilization: over the Haller Walls to Admont with its famous Abbey.
Return to Civilisation: Crossing the Haller Mauern mountain chain to the world-famous Admont Abbey



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
18,9 km
6:39 h
1050 hm
1230 hm
1717 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Starting from the Laussabaueralm mountain hostel, you follow the signposts marked ‘Klosterweg’. Once you have crossed the Karbach stream, you enter some woodlands where you climb over a fence stile. Heading left, you follow the forest road in a downstream direction. At the first crossroads, keep right and continue along the forest road. At the Sindlalm cabin bear left, and keep following the road. A bridge will take you over the Laussabach stream. Next, you reach the Hengstpass Road, which you follow for around 1 kilometre, walking in a downstream direction. At the Oberzwiesel car park (located just before the Sagwirt inn, in the hamlet of Oberlaussa) you turn right onto hiking trail no. 633 (towards the ‘Pölztal’ valley). You now find yourself on a gently ascending forest road that runs parallel to the Pölzalmbach stream, leading past several hunters’ cabins and alpine huts. Near the Menggalm pasture, you turn off onto a path which – crossing the forest road several times along the way – takes you to the Klapfboden pasture (997m). From there, the route gets steeper and you will have to navigate a step in the terrain before reaching the Kleiner Seeboden, a slightly wooded alpine pasture. Soon afterwards, the Grosser Seeboden comes into view – an impressive valley basin which you reach after a brief descent. Next, you walk along the even valley floor in a south-westerly direction, before embarking on the ascent to the Admonter Haus mountain hostel. From Admonter Haus, the route once again descends towards the valley: a two-and-a-half-hour hike takes you across alpine pastures, through a woodland area and past the ‘Johannesbründl’ spring, until you reach the villages of Hall and Admont. Even after a taxing trekking day, we highly recommend a visit to the world-famous Admont Abbey (which also houses the National Park exhibition project ‘A Passion for Nature’).
For more information:


We recommend that you make contact with the Lynx Trail Info & Booking Centre before making a booking.

Find a deal at: bookyourtrail.com 

In the Gesäuse you are mobile even without your own car

One call to t: +43 3613 21 000 99 is enough: During operating times, you can take the Gesäuse Sammeltaxi to any destination in the Gesäuse, without any timetable or stops.

Further information & operating times

Timetable inquiry at www.oebb.at or www.busbahnbim.at 

Laussabauernalm parking lot on the Hengstpass

Hints and tips

Lynx Trail Info & Booking Centre

Trail Angels GmbH

Obervellach 15, 9821 Obervellach

Tel.: +43 47 82 93 093


Email: info@bookyourtrail.com

Lower Austria Information Office:

Mostviertel Tourismus GmbH

Töpperschloss Neubruck

Neubruck 2/10, 3283 Scheibbs

Tel.: +43 (0) 7482 204 44

Email: info@mostviertel.at

Upper Austria Information Office:

Tourismusverband Nationalpark Region Ennstal

Eisenstraße 75, 4462 Reichraming

Tel.: +43 (0) 7254 8414

Email: info@nationalparkregion.com

Steiermark Information Office:

Tourismusverband Gesäuse

Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont

Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160 10

Email: info@gesaeuse.at

Wanderkarte Luchs-Trail

carto.at / Wander-, Rad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“

Gesäuseberge – Haller Mauern – Eisenerzer Alpen West, Nr. 801

M 1: 35.000 http://www.carto.at/gesaeuse/

Kompass/ Wander-, Fahrrad- & Schitourenkarte „Nationalpark Gesäuse“, Nr. 206

M 1 : 25.000  http://www.kompass.de/touren-und-regionen/wanderkarte/dest/100148-alpenregion-nationalpark-gesaeuse/

Alpenvereinskarte „Gesäuse und Ennstaler Alpen“, Blatt 16, M 1 : 25.000 http://www.freytagberndt.com/shop/9783928777346-alpenvereinskarte-16-ennstaler-alpen-gesaeuse/


Spiegelsee Reiteralm | © photo-austria / Christine Höflehner

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