From Mautern to the Bremstein
The hiking trail to the Bremstein leads uphill near the game park "
Der Wilde Berg". You don't feel anything of the hustle and bustle, unless you use the chairlift as an ascent aid. The hike is located in the
The Seckauer Tauern belong to the quieter, natural mountain regions of Austria, which are characterized by many beautiful tours and few managed huts. The hike to the Bremstein, starting from the Liesingtal, falls under the category "short and crisp", as the ascent is relatively steep and thus suitable as a perfect workout for legs and buttocks. Once you have reached the soft ridge and the well-tended alpine pastures, you will be rewarded by a magnificent view into the heart of the Seckau Alps and the opposite Eisenerz Alps. If you want to shorten the tour a bit, you can use the chairlift at the game park "Der Wilde Berg" as an ascent aid and thus save yourself about 350 meters in altitude in the ascent. The price for the ascent is 5 euros per adult (as of August 2021).
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We start at the train station in Mautern (1), 693 m, and walk along platform 1 parallel to the tracks to the pedestrian underpass. Before we pass through here, we can already see the summit cross of our destination on the left in front of us. After crossing the Liesing bridge, we pass several garages on the right and follow the path to the highway underpass. Via the asphalt road we reach the parking lot "Der Wilde Berg" (2), 714 and orient ourselves at the yellow signpost in the direction of Bremstein / connection Liesingtal-Murtal. From now on the actual hike begins. We follow the gravel road about 1.3 km uphill to the entrance. The trail leads uphill through the forest, whereby we cross the road several times or walk along it for a bit. At a beautiful vantage point, the Liesingtal valley lies before us with the peaks of the Eisenerzer Alps towering behind it. At an altitude of about 1500 meters, the path leads along a wooded ridge, paying close attention to the markings here. After reaching the open alpine pastures, we see the Bremstein in front of us on the right. The trail leads left uphill to the Mitterkogel (3), 1847 m, with a small summit cross, and subsequently it goes comfortably downhill along the ridge to the Antonikreuz, 1753 meters. Now still the counter ascent and we reach the Bremstein (4), 1868 m, which is rich in views. The way back is via the ascent route.
There are several places to stop in the center of Mautern. Opening hours and rest days in advance in experience.
At the train station in Mautern or several parking possibilities in the village
Unser Ziel der Bremstein präsentiert sich in der Ferne | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Bahnhof Mautern | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Wir starten beim Bahnhof Mautern | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Hinweisschild gleich beim Bahnhof | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Einstieg Wanderweg | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Gut markiert führt der Weg steil bergauf | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Der Weg führt durch den Wald | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Eine kleine Lichtung zwischendurch | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Wir genießen die Aussicht | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Mautern liegt uns zu Füßen | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Der Wald lichtet sich | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Eine kleine Rast kurz vor dem Mitterkogel | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Wir wandern vom Mitterkogel Richtung Bremstein | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Antonikreuz, 1753 m | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Bald haben wir unser Ziel erreicht | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Wegkreuzung kurz vor dem Gipfel | © Weges OG | Weges OG
Bremstein, 1868 m | © Weges OG | Weges OG
What the weather will be like
Mautern in Steiermark (710m)
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