Hiking route Chapel trail (Kapellenweg) Frannach - Touren-Impression #1 | © Weges OG Hiking route Chapel trail (Kapellenweg) Frannach - Touren-Impression #1 | © Weges OG

Chapel trail (Kapellenweg) Frannach

A well-marked and partly very scenic trail through the rolling hills of the Grabenland.
With this varied hike across the cultivated areas around Frannach, we get to know a small part of the Grabenland. The Grabenland is the area between Fernitz and Hausmannstätten to Radkersburg, which drains to the Mur. The hiking trail is well signposted and offers, apart from the chapels, some resting places, a viewing platform and several - partly lovingly - designed stations along the way. You have to take care of your own food and drinks on this hike, although it is worth carrying them in your backpack, as the scenic spots invite you to have a picnic. What you would also not expect when walking along the way is the magnificent view during the hike of parts of the Styrian Randgebirge. Apart from the scenic pleasure, there is a cultural-historical pleasure during the hike: the small pilgrimage chapel Klampferkapelle and the village chapel, where altar paintings by the painter Franz Weiß can be seen.



Best season

The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
9,4 km
3:00 h
240 hm
240 hm
444 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Vienna: A2 to Lasnitzhöhe exit, continue to Prosdorf and Frannach

From Graz: via the B73 to Prosdorf, continue to Frannach

Detailed information on how to get to us can be found here.

We start at a small parking lot in Frannach, where there is an information board and also a signpost with the inscription "Klampferkapelle". It goes comfortably uphill along the asphalt road, through the populated area until a right turn, where we continue straight ahead. After a short while, we leave the asphalt road in a left bend to continue straight on the dirt road. The path goes steadily uphill along the fields until we reach an asphalt road and follow it to the right. It goes flat or slightly downhill, passing by the "Alte Presse" and the Berghaidenkreuz. Shortly after the Frannach town sign, we turn left onto a meadow path to reach the valley floor along the edge of the forest. After crossing a small wooden bridge, we keep left and follow the asphalt road. The trail continues along the valley floor until it leaves the forest and continues straight on across meadows. Just before a farm, the trail goes uphill to the right across the meadows and fields and ends directly at a farm or the asphalt road. To the left follows a comfortable ascent past some houses. After the hill it goes slightly downhill, where we have a wonderful view in the direction of Schöckl, Stubalpe, Weinebene, and many more. At the next crossroads turn left, pass the Ulz cross and continue straight on to the Klampfer chapel. We stay on the asphalt road and shortly after we see the turnoff to the right. Now we go uphill for a bit through a hollow way until we come to a road again, keep to the right and now we can already see the viewing platform in front of us. The viewing platform is perfect for a leisurely break. Now we go slightly downhill along the meadow path and continue into the dead end until we reach the Spindler Chapel. To the Spindler chapel itself, now leads a small detour, the hiking trail goes straight into the forest. The slightly downhill forest path is decorated with numerous stations, such as a children's playground, the Magic Tree to the barefoot path. When you reach the end of the forest path, turn left and then left again at the next crossroads, so that you walk a little further through the forest and then across the open spaces towards the populated area of Frannach. We reach the village chapel of Frannach and now go left through the village back to our starting point.
Take snacks and drinks with you for the hike, as there are no places to stop for refreshments. The viewing platform offers a nice environment to enjoy his snack and the view.
Timetables and travel information can be found directly at: Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Steiermärkische Landesbahnen (STLB), www.busbahnbim.at.

With the BusBahnBim app from Verbundlinie, timetable information has never been easier: all bus, train and streetcar connections in Austria can be queried by entering locations and/or addresses, stops or important points. The app is available as a free app for smartphones (Android, iOS) - on Google Play and in the App Store.

Parking available in the village

Frannacher Dorfstubn, Tel.: +43 664 2323 373, 8081 Frannach 71, www.frannacherdorfstubn.com

Gemeinde Pirching am TraubenbergPirching 1118081 Pirching am Traubenberg
Tel: +43 3134 2232gemeinde@pirching-traubenberg.gv.atwww.pirching-traubenberg.gv.at

Vulkanland-Wanderkarte "Mensch & Natur" 1:500.000Steirisches Vulkanland Tel. +43 (0)3152/8575-710 www.spuren.at 

freytag & berndt WK 412 Südoststeirisches Hügelland, Vulkanland, Bad Gleichenberg, Bad Radkersburg  


Spiegelsee Reiteralm | © photo-austria / Christine Höflehner

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