Summer pastures Stubalm - Impression #1 | © SHS-LipizzanergestütPiberGöR-G. Boiselle

Summer pastures Stubalm

Maria Lankowitz

The summer pastures of the young stallions at the Stubalm in Maria Lankowitz are always worth a trip.

But not only the young animals enjoy this alpine pasture freshness, people also find an alpine pasture idyll here in summer as well as in winter, which is unparalleled.

Each Lipizzaner enjoys a total of three summers on the alpine pasture while growing up. The young mares on the Brendlalm and the young stallions on the Stubalm.

The first alpine pasture is in June and the last alpine pasture is in mid-September (depending on the weather).

The alpine pasture serves as preparation for their future training, especially for those stallions who will then go to the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. On the alpine meadows, the young horses acquire the necessary surefootedness and train their tendons and joints. The firm ground, the fresh herbs on the pastures and the harsh climate at 1,600 metres above sea level make the horses strong and robust. When the herd returns to the stable in the evening, it is an uplifting feeling in the truest sense of the word, because the earth shakes under the hoofsteps of the Lipizzaners.


Sommerweiden Stubalm
Piber 1
8580 Köflach

What the weather will be like

Maria Lankowitz (506m)

very sunny
13°C 29°C
15°C 30°C
16°C 29°C