St. Barbara Church – Hundertwasser Bärnbach - Impression #1 | © TV Region Graz - Die Abbilderei

St. Barbara Church – Hundertwasser Bärnbach


Countless colours are reflected in the St. Barbara Church in Bärnbach.

It was built in the 1950s and designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser as a work of art in 1987/88. The façade, the roof and the tower with the golden sphere are rich in colour and form. The twelve gates symbolise the twelve world religions, and with their symbols Hundertwasser made a gesture of ecumenism, dialogue between all denominations and tolerance. The interior of the church invites to silence and prayer and shows works by local artists.

In 2016, the golden onion was renovated and shines again in new splendour.


St. Barbara Kirche - Hundertwasser
Piberstraße 15
8572 Bärnbach

What the weather will be like

Bärnbach (425m)

very sunny
16°C 29°C
18°C 30°C
18°C 29°C