Johannes Kepler Observatory - Impression #1 | © Region Graz - Harry Schiffer

Johannes Kepler Observatory


Why not reach for the stars? Whether you’re a scientific observer or a romantic stargazer, the Johannes Kepler observatory is a wonderful place to feel closer to the heavens.

Why not reach for the stars? Whether you’re a scientific observer or a romantic stargazer, the Johannes Kepler observatory is a wonderful place to feel closer to the heavens. Celestial guided tours and the chance to look through the telescope are available on Fridays when the sky is clear. In addition, you learn lots about the formation of stars, comets, asteroids and meteors, the milky way, the structure of the cosmos, suns, planets and moons. Take a wonderful trip through the universe.


Anton-Afritsch-Weg 16
8052 Thal

What the weather will be like

Thal (459m)

very sunny
16°C 29°C
18°C 30°C
18°C 29°C