Hirschegg mountain hut duet
This hike is not to be underestimated: The almost 15 km and the total of 880 meters in altitude will make us work up quite a sweat. However, we enjoy a wonderful alpine landscape and experience a hike that we will remember for a long time to come.
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- SĂĽd-Autobahn A2 - Abfahrt Modriach
- Modriacher LandesstraĂźe Richtung Hirschegg
- In Hirschegg angekommen biegen wir links Richtung Kirche ab
- Nach einem kurzen StĂĽck bergauf, sehen wir rechts die Pfarrkirche zur Hl. Maria und auch das Ortszentrum von Hirschegg.
From the Pongratzwirt, we continue above the buildings. Hiking trail no. 540 takes us uphill but makes good progress. We hike through a beautiful high forest, reach the FranzlhĂĽtte (no catering: private property) and are repeatedly surprised by beautiful views.
After a total of just under 6 km, we reach the Bartholomäer-Alm. A short stop here is well worthwhile. Take a walk to the little church, enjoy the beautiful alpine pastures and let your mind wander before taking the forest path to the Saureis hut (if you wish, you can also take a short detour via the Seiner cross).
Once we reach the SaureishĂĽtte at 1,620m, it's time to take a break before continuing on hiking trail no. 45. This path takes us to the Hirschegger Alm, where it joins the long-distance hiking trail 505. We now follow this path in the direction of Pack. For approx. 2.5 km we now hike along this alpine ridge, which offers a wonderful panorama of Carinthia and Styria. The path runs slightly downhill and we also pass impressive rock formations, so-called ovens.
Once we reach the SaureishĂĽtte at 1,620m, it's time to take a break before continuing on hiking trail no. 45. This trail takes us to the Hirschegger Alm, where it joins the long-distance hiking trail 505. We now follow this path in the direction of Pack. For approx. 2.5 km, we now hike along this alpine ridge, which offers a wonderful panorama of Carinthia and Styria. The path runs slightly downhill and we also pass impressive rock formations, so-called ovens.
After a total of just over 11 km, we reach the second mountain hut in our duet, the BernsteinhĂĽtte. We take another break here before setting off along hiking trail no. 41 back to Hirschegg.
This path is moderately downhill and we make good progress on the gravel path that runs through a forest. The last section takes us across a somewhat steeper meadow, the former ski slope of the Hirschegg village lifts, before we arrive back in the village of Hirschegg after a total of 16 km.
Steinöfen auf der Hirschegger Alm
Messeplatz 1/Messeturm
8010 Graz
T +43 316 8075-0