Chapel Tour - Eggersdorf near Graz
Instead of a trip to Rome, the chapel tour over seven hills around Eggersdorf near Graz is highly recommended at the moment This tour inspires both sporty tour riders and cyclists interested in culture, as well as leisurely connoisseurs of beautiful rest and picnic spots in nature and lovers of regional delicacies in home-style inns and wine taverns.
The cycle path starts at the weir and ends at the parish church in the centre of Eggersdorf near Graz. The tour leads past 11 chapels, 14 wayside shrines and 22 wayside crosses and invites the cyclist to pause, reflect and rediscover historical cultural monuments and witnesses of popular piety. These often artistically designed old cultural assets shine in new splendour after expert restoration by professionals in consultation with the Federal Office for the Protection of Monuments. The 44 km long cycle route has informative signposting, which also includes references to culinary treats on offer and direct marketers. Cyclists can look forward to beautifully laid-out rest areas, inviting them to enjoy a cosy picnic in the open air along the tour. Some businesses in Eggersdorf also offer a special picnic service. Baskets are filled with regional delicacies and treats and provided for guests, on request.
The tour in numbers
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from Graz via Riesstraße B65 to junction L364 Eggersdorf bei Graz
Eggersdorf bei Graz - Stuhlsdorf - Landstraße - Römerstraße - Höf - Deckerweg - Hahnkogelweg - Höf-Präbach - Brodingberg - Ehrenberg - Haselbach - Humlegg - Panoramastraße - Bergstraße - Volkersdorf - Greithgrabenstraße - Prellerberg - Am Teichgrund - Sonnleiten - Edelsbach - Badstraße - Eggersdorf bei Graz
Connection to Laßnitzhöhe S-Bahn via Graz circuit east (2.8 km / 72 meters in altitude from Laßnitzhöhe train station)
from Graz via Ragnitz - Hönigtal (16 km / 230 meters in altitude from Graz center)
from Gleisdorf S-Bahn via R49 - Flöcking - Pircha (7.1 km / 40 meters in altitude from Gleisdorf train station)
If you want to relax after the bike tour, we recommend the beautiful natural pool for carefree swimming fun in the best water quality without any chemical additives. There is plenty of opportunity for fun and sport at the leisure centre with its vitality mile (bouldering wall, forest nature trail, beach volleyball, football, tennis...)
Regional bus no.240, 360, 361, 460 (no bicycles are taken)
or S-Bahn (S3) to Laßnitzhöhe or Gleisdorf (bicycles can be taken)
at the main road parking space next to weir system
Kraftplätze und Bildstöcke | © Region Graz | Harry Schiffer
Radfahren in Eggersdorf | © Region Graz | Harry Schiffer
Heurigen und Buschenschänken in Eggersdorf, Bretterhütte | © Region Graz | Harry Schiffer
Kraftplätze zum Verweilen | © Region Graz | Gemeinde Eggersdorf bei Graz
Genusstreffpunkt Höfer | © Region Graz | Harry Schiffer
Naturbad Eggersdorf | © Region Graz | Gemeinde Eggersdorf
Kapellen-Tour Eggersdorf | © Region Graz | Gemeinde Eggersdorf bei Graz
Pfarrkirche Eggersdorf | © Region Graz | Harry Schiffer
What the weather will be like
Eggersdorf bei Graz (410m)
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