Erlebnistag im ÖFM Stübing | © ÖFM - UMJ Erlebnistag im ÖFM Stübing | © ÖFM - UMJ

Sun., 29/09/2024 from 09:00 o'clock

Erlebnistag in Stübing

Experience a day of living folk culture!

The "Experience Day" is the highlight of the annual cycle of the Austrian Open Air Museum and directly conveys history(s) about the life, customs, work and festivities of our rural ancestors. A varied programme with traditional crafts, customs and folk music conveys to visitors in an entertaining way how important nature was and still is in the everyday life of the rural population.

Date and time

Sun., 29/09/2024
Starts at: 09:00 O'clock (Duration: 7 Hours)

Event location

Gratwein-Straßengel - Freilichtmuseum Stübing


Freilichtmuseum Stübing
Egbert Pöttler
Enzenbach 32
8114 Stübing


Freilichtmuseum Stübing
Egbert Pöttler
Enzenbach 32
8114 Stübing