Gruppe im Kulturkeller | © Kulturkeller Kalsdorf Gruppe im Kulturkeller | © Kulturkeller Kalsdorf

Sat., 21/09/2024 from 20:00 o'clock

Concert & reading: ‘Wos liegt das pickt’

An evening with Liada by Wolfgang ‘Da Wolf’ Schober and his musical comrades-in-arms the ‘ausgfuxtn Hund’ and stories by and with Michaela Geiger.

Among other things, Michaela Geiger's saying ‘wos liegt des pickt’ will be humorously scrutinised to see whether and to what extent this player's saying is still valid in times like these. ‘Da Wolf & die ausgfuxtn Hund’ will perform musical “Gschichtl”, as well as one or two “Raubersgschicht”, from the first three albums. Will the ‘robbery in Puntigam’ ever be solved? Or whether there is something ‘Neix vom Deix’ after all? Who knows, who knows! Let us surprise you!

Michaela Geiger: narrative voice ‘Da Wolf’
Wolfgang Schober: voice and guitar
Markus Steinrück: guitar
Gerhard Steinrück: double bass

Date and time

Sat., 21/09/2024
Starts at: 20:00 O'clock

Event location

Kalsdorf bei Graz - Kulturkeller Kalsdorf

Additional Information

Price information

Tickets: VVK € 25,- pP | AK € 28,- pP

Advance tickets are available at the municipal office during office hours from Mrs Stubenrauch.

Opening hours

Admission from 7.15 pm


Marktgemeinde Kalsdorf
Hauptlatz 1
8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz