Styria as a year-round holiday destination

Tours through Styria

The various tours through the heart of Styria impress holidaymakers no matter the season. The hiking routes include numerous gems such as the "From Glacier to Wine" route, which leads you from the Dachstein region to the Styrian Wine Country. River cycle paths run through nature reserves and small historic towns – among them, the famous Enns cycle path through the alpine north and the Mur cycle path through the Mediterranean south, where we meet the Styrian Wine Country Route. From spring to autumn, visitors can go on an exciting journey to culinary manufactories or experience local art and culture first hand.

Covered in snow, Styria turns into a glittering natural spectacle. The Schladming-Dachstein region welcomes skiers at the Schladming 4-Mountain Ski Area with its countless kilometres of ski runs. If you prefer something a little more relaxed and with a magnificent view of wintry lakes, the Ausseerland-Salzkammergut region offers exactly that. And away from the slopes, excellent cross-country ski trails, high-altitude winter hiking trails and sledging runs ensure plenty of variety.

If you take a closer look and are open to experiencing something new, you will get to know and love the green heart of Austria. The tour portal helps you find the right tour for that:

Length in km
Duration in h
Elevation gain/loss
27 Results
Vorau easy
Route 0,0 km
Duration 0:30 h

Chorherrenweg, Vorau

Rast im Joglland | Schiffer | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Vorau challenging
Route 40,2 km
Duration 13:00 h

Across Joglland

Freilichtmuseum Vorau | Birgit Kandlbauer | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Vorau easy
Route 0,7 km
Duration 0:45 h

Advance literature path,Vorau

Stift Vorau | TV Joglland Waldheimat | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Vorau medium
Route 9,7 km
Duration 3:30 h

Augustine Way, Vorau

Hubertuskapelle | TV Joglland Waldheimat | © Verein Vorauer Wirtschaft
Vorau medium
Route 8,7 km
Duration 2:30 h

Florianiway, Waldbach-Mönichwald

Stift Vorau, Joglland-Waldheimat in der Oststeiermark | Christine Pollhammer | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Vorau medium
Route 26,8 km
Duration 3:00 h

Abbey view tour, Vorau

Familienbikespaß in Vorau | Klaus Ranger | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Vorau easy
Route 8,8 km
Duration 1:00 h

Kring family circuit, Vorau

Rast auf der Urkraftrunde | Klaus Ranger | © Oststeiermark Tourismus
Vorau medium
Route 27,1 km
Duration 3:15 h

Elemental Force Round, Vorau

Barbara-Sicharter-Weg | TV Joglland-Waldheimat | © VVW Sonja Spitzer
Vorau medium
Route 15,6 km
Duration 4:30 h

Barbara Sicharter Way, Vorau

Schiestlhaus | Tom Lamm | © TV Hochsteiermark
Vorau challenging
Route 180,7 km
Duration 60:00 h

From Hochwechsel to Hochschwab

Aussicht | Sarah Schweiger | © Tourismus Info Vorau
Vorau medium
Route 3,8 km
Duration 1:10 h

Perforated stone circuit, Vorau

Gasthof Reithofer "Schnitzelwirt" | TV Joglland Waldheimat | © Andreas Reithofer, Schnitzelwirt
Vorau challenging
Route 37,8 km
Duration 5:00 h

All about the Healthy Region Vorau, Vorau

Startpunkt: Rathaus | TV Joglland Waldheimat | © Verein Vorauer Wirtschaft
Vorau easy
Route 7,0 km
Duration 2:00 h

Markus Way, Vorau

Startpunkt: Griesplatz | © Verein Vorauer Wirtschaft
Vorau medium
Route 11,3 km
Duration 3:50 h

Village path, Vorau

Kreuz auf der Erzherzog Johann Höhe | Tourismus Info Vorau | © Tourismus Info Vorau
Vorau easy Open
Route 7,3 km
Duration 2:30 h

Archduke Johann path, Vorau

27 Results