From Schönmoos to the Bärenfeichtenalm, continue to the Schneehitzalm and via Langpoltner Klamml to the start of the via ferrata. Past this and back to Schönmoos.
ON THE SUNNY TERRACE. From the parking lot Schönmoos you hike along the forest road to the sunny Bärenfeichtenalm. The view is magnificent! Both Wölzer and Schladminger Tauern as well as the Grimming lie before you. On the other side, the Hochtausing - affectionately called "Ennstaler Zuckerhut" - towers above you. To go around it, take a path down to the Schneehitzalm, continue over the Langpoltner Klamml to the start of the via ferrata. Pass by there and return via forest and forest road.
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Leave the Ennstal federal road (B320) in Wörschach. In the village, turn off in the direction of Wörschachberg, drive up to the Oberkogler-Alm and continue to Schönmoos.
You start from the parking lot Schönmoos hike, following the signs, along the forest road to the embedded Bärenfeichtenalm. The view is magnificent! Both Wölzer and Schladminger Tauern as well as the Grimming lie before you. On the other side, the Hochtausing - affectionately called "Ennstaler Zuckerhut" - rises up. To go around it you continue to the Schneehitzalm and then a little steeper downhill to the Langpoltner Klamml. At the entrance of the via ferrata you pass and go back to Schönmoos via forest and forest road.
Way number: 6
Go eating to the Oberkogler-Alm.
Arrival by public transport is only possible as far as Wörschach Ort. Unfortunately there is no bus service up to the Wörschachberg.
Free Parking in Schönmoos
Hochtausing - der steirische Zuckerhut | © Tourismusverband Grimming-Donnersbachtal | Roland Gutwenger
Herbstmorgen im Schönmoos | © Tourismusverband Grimming-Donnersbachtal | Roland Gutwenger
Wald und Wiesen wechseln sich ab | © Tourismusverband Grimming-Donnersbachtal | Roland Gutwenger
Schneehitzalm | © Tourismusverband Grimming-Donnersbachtal | Roland Gutwenger
Bärenfeichtenalm | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Roland Gutwenger
What the weather will be like
Wörschach (651m)
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