This hike goes through woodes area. Here the tour leads from St. Lambrecht to the pilgrimage church Maria Schönanger.
The Maria Schönanger Trail is a little shorter hike along the socalled Station Trail up to the Maria Schönanger pilgrimage church. From the top of the mountain there is a breathtaking view of St. Lambrecht.
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Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Here turn right in the direction of Teufenbach. In Teufenbach keep left towards Mariahof. In Mariahof turn right and drive directly to St. Lambrecht.
Coming from Tamsweg drive via Ranten or Stadl an der Mur to Murau. In Murau turn right and drive over the Steirische/Kärntnerische Öaßnitz directly to St. Lambrecht.
The starting point of the hike is the district of St. Lambrecht. On the way there we cross a ski slope of the ski resort Grebenzen, before it goes through the forest up to the Engelsbrunnen and further to Maria Schönanger. Here is the turning and resting pint of the hike. We way back is also via the station path, but at the Engelsbrunnen via a loop past the lower part of the ski lift and further back to St. Lambrecht.
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ÖBB | Verbundlinie Steiermark
Parking is available in the area of St. Lambrecht Abbey and the market square.
St. Lambrecht von oben | © Holzwelt Murau | Tom Lamm
Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schönanger | © Tourismusverband Murau | Irene Cester
What the weather will be like
St. Lambrecht (1023m)
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