Bruck an der Mur – St. Katharein / Laming – Tragöß – Grüner See
Starting from Bruck an der Mur, we follow the Laming Valley towards the Green Lake. The starting point is at the intersection of Wienerstraße and Tragösserstraße, with large signs pointing towards Tragöß (LKH Hochsteiermark). Alternatively, you can start at the Bruck an der Mur train station, follow the R5 Mürztal Cycling Path briefly towards Kapfenberg, and then turn onto L111 Tragösserstraße at LKH Hochsteiermark.
The first part of this cycle route lacks major highlights, and we mostly ride on L111 Tragösserstraße. About 1 km after Stegg, we can leave the main road. Cross left over a bridge (well-marked), and a section of R41 begins again. We switch between the cycle path and main road. However, from St. Katharein onwards, we mainly ride on the cycle path.
Following the Lamingbach River, we pass Zenz See and head towards Pichl Großdorf. From there, we continue along the wide valley floor, gently climbing to the parking areas at the Green Lake. After the first pond, it’s just a few more minutes to the R41 destination, the Green Lake with the Gasthof Seehof.