Gesäuse Tour
National park overtures in Austria's youngest national park duo: the Gesäuse and the Limestone Alps.
The natural beauty of this tour is hard to beat. With the Enns cascades and climbing mountains in the Gesäuse. With the limestone alps that exist over long stretches in untouched authenticity, on the border between Styria and Upper Austria. Side views to the left and right of the road. Very winding route through seemingly endless valleys, over high mountain passes. A wonderful driving experience for every driver and traveller. Just as the ENNSTAL-CLASSIC deserves it.
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The "GESÄUSE TOUR" starts from the Gröbming starting point in the direction of Mitterberg (continue right from "Häuserl im Wald") - Öblarn - Niederöblarn - Irdning - Aigen im Ennstal - turn right to Lassing - Rottenmann (continue on the B 113) Trieben (roundabout) - continue via Kaiserau (Nagelschmiedesattel), 1086m) - Admont - continue on the B 146 to the Gesaeuse entrance (Gesaeuse National Park) - Gstatterboden (Steirische Eisenstraße) - Hieflau continue on the B 115 (to the left, northbound) - Großreifling - St.Gallen - Altenmarkt - turn left towards Hengstpass - Unterlaussa (along the southern communities in the Kalkalpen National Park) - Hengstpass (964m) - continue on the B 138 towards Windischgarsten - Spital am Pyhrn - Pyhrnpass (954m) - Liezen - continue on the B 320 (Ennstal main road) - Trautenfels - Gröbming.
Variant 1: Johnsbach - insider tip Bergsteigerfriedhof - turn right on the B 146 into the Johnsbach valley.
Variant 2: Eisenerz - Erberg - at Hieflau turn right towards Eisenerz
- Johnsbach - Bergsteigerfriedhof
Gesäuse | © Ennstal-Classic | Markus Kucera
Gesäuse | © Ennstal-Classic | Markus Kucera
Gesäuse | © Ennstal-Classic | Markus Kucera
Bergsteigerfriedhof | © Tourismusverband Gesäuse | Ernst Kren, Admont
What the weather will be like
Gröbming (804m)
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