Ski-nordic-classic Eggberg trail Joglland trail, St. Jakob im Walde - Touren-Impression #1 | © GH Orthofer, Bernhard Bergmann Ski-nordic-classic Eggberg trail Joglland trail, St. Jakob im Walde - Touren-Impression #1 | © GH Orthofer, Bernhard Bergmann

Eggberg trail Joglland trail, St. Jakob im Walde

The Eggberg trail on the Joglland trail in St. Jakob im Walde, which has been awarded the Styrian cross-country ski trail seal of approval, impresses with its fantastic views of the region.
Cross-country skiing on snow-covered, mostly flat fields with fantastic views of the Joglland - Waldheimat region - that's what the Eggberg trail on the Joglland trail offers. This is actually a hiking trail, as it can only be used when Mother Hulda is kind to the region and provides sufficient natural snow.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
5,3 km
1:00 h
34 hm
34 hm
1173 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Further information on how to get here: Gasthof Orthofer
  • We start our cross-country skiing tour on the Eggberg trail in St. Jakob im Walde in the starting area directly behind Gasthof Orthofer
  • The Eggberg trail is marked with purple signs. We follow these markings after leaving the start/finish arena
  • We run past the snowmaking pond and turn right onto the road at the bend where we see the road.
  • Caution: First make sure that no cars are coming and then, for the love of our skis, unbuckle them
  • On the other side of the road, we continue on our cross-country skis to the right on the Eggberg trail
  • On this trail, which is only passable when there is sufficient natural snow, we always have a fantastic view of the beautiful landscape, such as the Hochschwab or the Masenberg
  • After about half of the route, we come to a turning point and then continue straight ahead on mostly flat fields until we reach the road junction again
  • We cross this again very carefully and then keep to the right, mastering the short ascent and the following descent to Blochplatz
  • Here we turn sharp left into the next descent. After the last short ascent, past the place for the snow depot, we reach the start/finish arena again
If you are looking for a beautiful panoramic trail and enjoy cross-country skiing for the sheer pleasure of it, then the Eggberg trail on the Joglland trail in St. Jakob im Walde is just right for you.
Timetables and travel information can be found at Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) or at Verkehrsauskunft Verbundlinie. For local transportation we recommend the SAM-Sammeltaxi Oststeiermark.
St. Jakob im Walde,  Orthofer inn (free)
You can find information about the region, places to stop and stay overnight, excursion destinations, etc. here:
Eastern Styria Tourism Association
Joglland-Waldheimat office
8255 St. Jakob im Walde
Tel.: 03336/20255

Eastern Styria
current weather
Mobility Eastern Styria with shared taxi SAM


What the weather will be like

St. Jakob im Walde (927m)

14°C 26°C
17°C 27°C
17°C 27°C

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