Motor Bike Castle road (Schlösserstraße) - Touren-Impression #1 | © Schloss Kornberg Motor Bike Castle road (Schlösserstraße) - Touren-Impression #1 | © Schloss Kornberg

Castle road (Schlösserstraße)

The Castle Road connects castles and palaces in southeastern Austria and Slovenia. They invite to be visited and experienced!
A road leads from one point to another. The Castle Road connects castles and chateaux, which are much more than points, because each house holds within its walls one of the greatest secrets, that of time. This region is one of the richest in castles and palaces in Europe, it is a living witness of great epochs.

The offer of the Castles Route does not only include the invitation to explore the variety of houses, but is rather a personal recommendation for the peculiarities of the surroundings. Each place along the Castle Road contributes with its historical, architectural and epicurean peculiarities to make the region a land before our time in our time.

From the strong foundation of a grown tradition, to places of dreams and places of pleasure. This is the Castle Road and its partners.



Best season


The tour in numbers

1.002,6 km
14:00 h
8226 hm
8406 hm
1037 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Plan your individual journey here: Route planner
On the road with Squire Karli on the Castle Road Geotour! The treasure map is available, can be sent or simply printed out yourself.
Individual destinations along the Schlösserstraße can be reached by public transport. Along the entire Schlösserstraße there is no continuous and direct public bus or train.
Parking available at all partners of the Schlösserstraße.
Die Schlösserstrasse
Verband für regionale Entwicklung
8353 Kapfenstein 105
Tel: +43 664 512 4224

The map of the Castle Road is available at all member businesses. You are also welcome to download the map here - to the download area!

The treasure map for the Castle Road Geotour is available at all locations. The best thing is to download the treasure map right away - to the download area!

History magazine Schlösserstraße

to the download area


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